Tuesday, March 17, 2009

24 Season 7, Episode 14

*Spoiler Alert*

BA Roof: Watching last night’s 24, I thought to myself that Jack is either the unluckiest man alive or extremely lucky. I thought at first he’s unlucky, because his wife has been killed, almost every friend of his has died, his daughter doesn’t speak to him and he is the one who always has to save the country while no one believes him. Then I thought, well, maybe he is lucky after all, since he never seems to die when everyone else bites the dust. You just know “luck” will catch up with him in the series finale. Whenever the writers and producers end the show, you won’t have Jack sailing off and enjoying the rest of his life on some island. Unless a movie is planned, of course.

I actually enjoyed last night’s episode much more than most of the others up to this point. It definitely didn’t have as much action (no blowing up the Capital) or jaw dropping plot twists like many of the others (a good thing). However, I just found the plot a little more believable (if you can imagine that). It’s not a new idea that people involved in the “defense” industry have too much to gain by war and too much to lose in peace. So, I’ve always believed it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that certain individuals involved in the military business would go to extreme measures for new weaponry technology, for war and for wanting to take over a country. I mean, it seems like every year a military guy overthrows the government in some Latin American or African country. But, you don’t often see the White House invaded in movies (I will make an exception for Mars Attacks!, because that was just funny and of course aliens can overtake anything), and never in real life, but how many times throughout human history has there been someone corrupt in the military or military industry that ruins things for a country’s leaders?

Last night that very plot twist was revealed. You also had Senator Mayer that hates Jack actually believing him (Why can’t Larry Moss believe him?). Of course, once the Senator believed Jack, he had to die. My only worry now is the show will go too fast with the plot. The writers seem to have done this the last few seasons, they get all excited about some sort of plot idea and tell it all in two or three shows. It’s premature plotjaculation. First, you have 24 episodes to lay out the plot. Second, the plot idea happens all in 24 hours. Calm down. Throw in some believable twists and strong character development. Why in the next episode is Jack already at the port stopping the shipment? Shouldn’t there be more obstacles along the way? Shouldn’t it have taken him more than an hour or two to get this information and more than 20 or 30 minutes to get to the port with the FBI hot on his trail? Besides unbelievable plotlines, my second biggest gripe with the writers is that they rush story ideas too quickly and have to come up with more garbage to fill the leftover time. Lets’ hope I’m wrong about next weeks episode. I give this week’s episode a Sporks Rating of:

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