Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beryl Meets Jared Leto

Whether you know him as Angel Face from Fight Club, Paul Allen from American Psycho, or yes, the Jordan Catalano from My So-Called Life, his real name is Jared Leto and he sings and plays guitar in a dreadfully awful band called 30 Seconds to Mars.

In NYC over the weekend, Beryl and Linds were walking through Union Square on their way to dinner when they brushed shoulders with the aforementioned Hollywood C-lister. So Beryl is all “Like OMG!!! Linny, I think that’s Jordan Catalano!!!” and Linds is all “Who?” and then Beryl realized that it was in fact, Jordan Catalano.

As Beryl turned and approached the once object of her prepubescent affection, she asked “Would it be like [brieft pause] so uncool if I asked for a picture, or something?” Catalano obliged, posed for the pic and walked away. This is when things took a HUGE turn for the worse… Beryl, in her state of giddy, star-struck euphoria, managed to yell out “HUGE My So-Called Life fan!!!!” This was the lamest thing that she could have possibly said.

When asked by the R & R Review if she frenched Jared Leto, Beryl responded with a deflated and wistful “No.”

While approaching Jared Leto and asking for a photo took some major cojones, Beryl managed to lose a couple of Sporks with her little quip at the end. Thus, Beryl’s encounter with Jared Leto gets…


BEF said...

"it hurts to look at you"

Anonymous said...

His outfit makes him look like a complete douchebag

BEF said...
