Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West wins the Classi Award at MTV Awards

So what's with these recent outbursts and interruptions during speeches? We had the "You Lie" from Representative Wilson interrupting President Obama's address to Congress last week, Serena Williams losing control at the U.S. Open and last night we saw Kanye West interrupt Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to basically say, "Yeah, you were good, but Beyonce was better." Have Americans lost their class??

This made me reflect back to when some friends and I decided (maybe during a bachelor party) that there are two kinds of "classy" people. You have true "classy" people, the old money types from Palm Beach, and you have "classi" people, the new money types from Boca Raton. Classi with an "i" was developed from stripper names, since they're never classy, but sometimes pretend to be on a pole and love (so I've been told) ending their names with an "i" (ex: Candi, Mysti) rather than standard "y".

An example for those still confused: Drinking French wine on a sail boat is classy. Drinking Boone's Farm on a bass boat is classi.

Obviously Kanye West didn't go up on stage to upset Swift. However, his drunken interruption was definitely in the "classi" category and reminded me of Steve Buscemi's character in the Wedding Singer. I sure hope more people start watching Mad Men to see how classy people should act. That's right, you need to dress well and use proper etiquette while getting drunk and cheating on your spouse. Kanye West certainly wins the Classi Award this week. Sorry Britney, I'm sure you'll reclaim it next week.

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